Yahoo! Avatars

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thing 9- Whew!!!

 I think I finally finished my wiki.  You can view it here. I called my wiki Ronda's Ramblings.  I enjoyed creating it and felt that it is fairly easy to create (after I printed out the wiki cheat sheet and used it for each step) I even went ahead and created a Voika. I had a really hard time saving it on my wiki. I tried several different ways to get it there and finally got it saved. I am not sure if I could go back and do it again. I just succeeded through trial and error.   I enjoy looking at everyone else's wikis and I am going to go back and add a few more things to mine before it is all said and done.  I am just really excited that now when people start talking about wikis I will actually know what they are talking about. 


  1. I loved your voki! I know you said it was difficult to save it in the wiki, but I'm so glad you stuck with it.

  2. Your burning question was the same as mine. I am nervous about finishing this class in time!
